Eurocon Weekend- Saturday

With the Retro Computer Museum’s British collection of computer to setup this morning I skipped breakfast and headed on down to the Lass early in the morning. Focusing on some of the earlier systems we set about lugging computers and monitors from various car boots forever keeping an eye out for the roaming traffic wardens (parking was incredibly limited).

Jupiter Ace, which at first was very temperamental and refused to work.

Sinclair ZX80 which, thanks to the ingenuity of Richard, was able to load rom images from his iPhone!

Another example of Richards technical skill, his fully home built Acorn Atom.

Sinclair ZX81 running a graphics demo displaying routines though impossible with the limitation of the hardware.

All systems are go! Other computers included were a ZX Spectrum 48k (with Compact Flash addon mod), Dragon64, Oric 1 & Atmos, Amstrad CPC 6128 with addition radio tuner and disk drive mod and a BBC model B for all those Chuckie Egg fans!

With everything setup and ready to go and already attracting quite a crowd in our small room a few of us decided to grab a bite to eat and visit the busy trade stalls that had been setup upstairs.

Mr and Mrs Atari from the Netherlands had brought over a huge collection of Atari goodies and thanks to the large amount of buying I’m hoping they didn’t have too much stuff to take back on the plane. That boxed Atari Lynx 1 was a tempting buy!

Star Wars for the NES, been looking out for this for a while now.

Back downstairs, Eurocon was in full swing with happy gamers taking in the delights of an impressive collection of older consoles. The RCM room was jam packed again so we left them to it whilst enjoying lunch over at the gaming tables.

Sitting opposite Mike as we battled out on a two-up game of Mr Do!

Thankfully the machines were set to free play and i would have spent a fortune on this R-Type machine.

The Lass also had an extensive collection of old computer magazines to browse through, so surrounded with the sounds of vintage machine noice and friendly banter, I settled down to relax with a very old copy of one of my favorite magazines of yesteryear, Zzap64.

Now i mentioned a few post ago, that there was one particular system that I’d not had a lot of exposure to and one that i was deeply falling in love with. This computer is the Oric-1 (and Oric Atmos). I spent most of the late afternoon enjoying the delights of this wonderful little machine and thanks to Karl’s ingenious way of loading games – sound samples of taped games played back at speed via a laptop & MS Windows sound recorder connected to the phono input, was able to play quite a few from his collection.

One such game was Defence Force, a colourful Defender clone that just oozed playability. I was totally hooked on this game and so began the mini competition between myself and Sophie for the highest score. Throughout the course of the evening, we battled out for hours trying to jostle for position. At one point I’d amassed an impressive 86,000 points which had eclipsed her 23,000 only to find whilst nipping to get a drink that she’d beaten this again a stonking 92,00o!

This was fighting talk, I HAD to give it my all on one last attempt. With a crowd gathering, wrists aching and sweating palms i gave settled down for the fight. After about half hour I’d done it with a whopping 112,000 score. I was shattered but my glory only lasted an hour or so as Sophie had to give it one more go. At the end of a frantic hour, she’d beaten me with an incredible score of 263,000 and knowing that I couldn’t even come close i had to concede defeat. One of the best few hours of the whole event.

The final score on Saturday, well done Sophie!

Taking a time out from this epic battle, some of the guest speakers were arriving  and one that i really wanted to meet was Bob Wakelin, famed artist who has produced some of the most iconic game box art to grace so many classic games including many from Imagine and Ocean software. For me, his artwork, along with Oliver Frey was synonymous with gaming in the eighties and many a duff games I kept from the bin purely for the stunning box art.

I found him outside having a drink so I plucked up the courage to go and talk to him for a few moments. He was just the nicest chap you could ever meet and chatted with me, Karl and Andy for about an hour regaled stories and anecdotes from his time as a game artist.

Bob Wakelin and myself.

He also kindly signed Andy’s t-shirt which to compliment the other signatures he obtained from various programers and artists.

Bob was also on hand to sign prints of some of his most iconic game covers such as the my favorites, Target Renegade, New Zealand Story, Rastan and Wizball.

Mmm, Target Renegade! – see blog post

Meeting Bob was the just one of many great moments Eurocon had to offer. Another would be the film crew from Channel Five that dropped by to film a program about Retro Gaming and interviewed a few of us. If we don’t end up on the editing room floor, the camera man I spoke to said the program might aired around December therefore will post any further news as it arrives.

Saturday was such a brilliant and actioned packed day and it wasn’t until getting back to the hotel room I could take stock of all that had happened. Suffice to say, sleep came very easily!

Eurocon Weekend- Friday

What a fabulous weekend it’s been at Eurocon, full of laughs and classic gaming in the company of some of the nicest folk anyone would wish to meet.

Friday – Up early on in the  morning  and a short walk to my local train station carrying a back breaking pack containing all I’d need for the weekend including camera gear and laptop. It’s a shame my mp3 player had broke just a few minutes into the journey, but with free wireless on the train up to Manchester, was able to catch up on a few podcasts whilst enjoy the stunning views as we trundled along through the high ranges of the peak district.

Arriving around noon and with map in hand, made my way to the Lass O Gowrie, a multi award winning victorian public house we’d all be calling home for the next few days.

Left to Right: Myself, Karl, Mike, Stu, Andy, Sophie, Richard, Kayleigh and Mark.

Most of the guys from the Retro Computer Museum had already arrived as too were many of my friends from across the pond. With lunch ordered, time to catch up with everyone.

The current proprietors of the Lass is an avid retro gamer himself, owning quite a collection of arcade machines, cocktail arcade cabs and hosts regular retro gaming evening at pub each week.  Dotted around the place were artwork and items from the 70’s and 80’s that perfectly set the scene for the weekends event. You don’t expect ZX Spectrum’s & vintage Kenner Starwars figures behind the bar in most pubs!

‘Witchfinders’ Mame bar top cab, aptly named!

Due to football match taking place, we couldn’t set up the RCM collection of British computers until the next day, so Friday evening was spent relaxing over a game or two…and thanks to this Pheonix cocktail cab, many lost hours!

With the evening drawing to a close, it was time to head out for a bite to eat and in the heart of Manchester city centre were plenty to choose from. We ended up in at an oriental buffet and with eighty or so dishes on offer to suit everyones taste.

So far, it’s been a brilliant day, shame we couldn’t set everything up this evening but wary from the days events and travel was glad we didn’t have to lug equipment around.

Heading to the hotel for a well deserved rest. Like some kind of weird Pac-Man maze, finding the right floor/room was going to be a challenge!

Retro gaming bliss

Well, so far Eurocon  is shaping up to be one hellava event. My hotel wifi isn’t great to say the least therefore I’ll write up a proper post when I get back home on Sunday evening.

There’s been some fantastic systems on offer and is, as always, wonderful to meet up with old friends and chat with new ones. I knew wthe Commodore c64 was big in Germany, but boy do they really love this beige box of joy.

There’s also been a few new systems i’ve never used before…and one, I’m rapidly falling in love with! I

It’s also arcade machine ‘oplenty at Eurocon with quite a few upright cabs including the superb R-Type and four player shenanigans with Sega’s Quartet. There’s also a really nice collection of cocktail cabs too and had a wonderful  lunch with friends over a game of Mr Do. and one of my all time favorite games, Phoenix.

So far, i’m up to 500 shots on my camera and I’ve been reviewing some of them this evening. I’m pretty happy with most of them but some could be a little better. Maybe tomorrow, during our Eurocon breakfast, i’ll whip round before the main crowds arrive.

Also, there’s been a few bargains to be had via the trade stores and, although conscious of trying to keep my luggage weight down, have picked up a few items for my collection. Also, my lucky dip prize turned out to be quite a surprise too.

Looking forward to the last day at Eurocon and am so glad I’ve got Monday off to recover 🙂

Eurocon awaits!

Tomorrow morning I’m heading north to attend Eurocon, a three day event for classic gaming fans from around Europe. I’ll be there with the chaps from RCM who are displaying a range of classic British systems including a few rarities like the Jupiter Ace, Dragon 64 (not 32) and a Sord M5 as well as many others.

Luckily, my hotel has free wireless access therefore, if uploading is permitted, I’ll post a few pictures and words over course of the weekend.