Retro Computer Museum Gaming Event – May’10

Yesterday’s RCM gaming event was by far the best to date, packed to the rafters with lots of old comps & consoles it truly was a retro gamers paradise!

Despite getting lost on the drive down (again!) I just made it in time to bag the last of the limited car park spaces (again!). After picking up my ticket, I ventured in and immediately was hit by the sights and sounds of pixel on pixel as grinning old school gamers sat down & prepared to play. This was going to be good!

Centre hallway.

2-up Sega Rally

Sega Afterburner arcade machine…I need change!

…and more change!

After saying hello to a few familiar faces and unpacked my car with a few items I’d donated to RCM, grabbed myself a coffee and took a leisurely walk around eyeballing all that electronic candy. A quick browse around the retro gear vendors and spotted quite a few carts for my collection as well as issue three of RG magazine that’s missing from my collection.

Woo, Wonderboy III for Sega MasterSystem.

Being a Commodore user, these were my first port of call and RCM had pretty much all models to plays with from the PET right up to the Amiga A4000.

…and one that drew quite a bit of attention. The ‘ZX Specadore’ with matching ‘Sinclair’ 1541 disk drive – sacrilegious!

The ever popular Super Bomberman tournament starts and like last year I ‘bombed’ out in the first round.

The booby prize went to Mike for the most amount of times he’d bombed himself. A brilliant  prize and hilarious as he tried to give it back!

Rise of the Robots anyone….no?

After lunch, time to get down to some serious button bashing

Phu’s homemade Acorn porn!

…..and yours truly sporting a dapper pair of Sega Master System 3D glasses…and getting very dizzy!

Andy and Co. really but on a great show and a day to remember and it was great to catchup with friends and make lots of new ones. Winning a load of Sega stuff on the raffle and being introduced to the amazing Starblade on the Panasonic 3DO was the perfect finish to an amazing day.

You can see more photos of the event on my Flickr account  –

One response to “Retro Computer Museum Gaming Event – May’10

  1. Pingback: Retro Gaming: StarBlade (Panasonic 3DO/Arcade) « Stiggy’s Blog

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