Patching for fun.

Well it’s Saturday night here (actually, it rapidly heading into Sunday morning) but alas, no fun and games for me as I’m at work taking advantage of those precious downtime slots to patch our Windows servers…..yay 😉

To be honest WSUS does most of the work and only requires the occasional prod inbetween cups of coffee so whilst I’m here I thought I’d patch another Microsoft box – but this one should be way more fun to do.

I’m going to softmod an Xbox one console.That’s ‘one’ as in the original ‘one’ and not the new ‘one’. Thanks for that MS!

There’s a few ways of doing this and the internet is full of great tutorials covering them all. The one I’m going to try is the harddrive swap method because yanking IDE cables from live PC’s is so Taboo 🙂

Right, the moment of truth. I’ve got my freshly burnt boot disc I made via NDure based on my xbox firmware version and am about to boot my doner PC prior to swapping over the hardrive.


I got the timing wrong on this first attempt and the boot disk had loaded and timed out before I had chance to swap over the drive, but on the second go I got it right and therefore ran through the process of applying the mod.

All seemed to have gone well and was them able to boot into the alternative dashboard and access my Xbox via FTP. The first job was to backup that all important EEPROM file and then onto prepping the files again (and creating another custom boot disk) to allow me to swap out the original 20gb xbox harddrive for something a bit bigger.


Again, all went well until I tried to lock the drive using xboxhdm on the doner PC. It took me a while to figure it out but it was simply the bios settings on the PC that needed to be changed.

Once fitted into the xbox, I ftp’d some retro gaming fun stuff over to take advantage of all that lovely storage space.

Here’s Hypervision, a Hyperspin styled frontend for MAME.

So….do I go for a spot of Donkey Kong or watch the progress of more SQL updat…….zzzzzzzzz.
